What makes a Data Science portfolio stand out?

Hey lovely friends,

How’s life going?

We are in the middle of April, and from my window, we’re back to cold and rainy days. So, where is the spring? 🤭

Today, I want to chat about data science portfolios.

Because I get it.

➡you want to create an outstanding Data Science Portfolio 🚀

But truth being said, when choosing projects for your portfolio, there isn’t such a thing as THE project that will make your portfolio stand out.

You can take a simple data set and create something remarkable
(Read that again 👆).

My suggestions:
It all comes down to making the most out of the dataset.


  • Storytelling: creating an interesting story behind the data, including a beginning, middle, and end. This would make the project interesting and enjoyable to anyone reading it.
  • Showcasing the workflow will make your project understandable. That means anyone reading it can follow along with your thinking process. Also, readers are more likely to understand why you chose those particular libraries or analysis methods.
  • The topic and skills used in your portfolio should ideally align with the industry in which you plan to get a job. Let’s say I’m planning to get a job in an industry focused on forecasting. Then, creating a project that includes ML skills would make a lot of sense.

And if you’re having difficulties creating your portfolio, I’m preparing something that will not only help you create an outstanding portfolio, but also will boost your confidence.

So, stay tuned for more details to come.


And now is your turn, add your comments below incuding your portfolio questions.

Feel free to write in English or Spanish.

Stay awesome,

Lina Marieth

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